Guy Strain Insulator

The Guy Strain Insulators are mainly uesed to provide electrical separation between the pole and the metal guy wire, or conductors inorder to supply safety and reliability for the electric power transmission or distribution system.

Because the guy strain insulators are mostly applied to work outside, the acids, bases, salts, and ultraviolet rays in the atmospheric environment can corrode and damage glass fiber core rods, so it is necessary to add a layer of protection outside the glass fiber core rods. We use self-developed HTV silicone rubber to protect the core rods.

The HTV silicone rubber is firmly adhered to the fiberglass rod during manufacturing, ensuring long-lasting attachment without detachment or peeling over time. This strong bond eliminates gaps, effectively preventing moisture intrusion and maintaining consistent insulating and hydrophobic performance.

Benefits of Silicone Rubber Coating Guy Insulators

Guy Strain Insulator with HTV Silicone Rubber Coating

  • Can be installed anywhere on the guy wire
  • Helps protect against stray current
  • Silicone coating provides greater protection in corrosive environments
  • Silicone rubber compounds have a high degree of hydrophobicity and high resistance to ultraviolet damage
  • Differenct types of end fitting can be chosen
  • Any length for connection can be provided
guy insulator
guy insulator structure

Main Structure

The composite guy strain insulators (polymer guy strain insulator, silicone rubbe guy strain insulator)are mainly consist of metal end fittings, ECR fiber-glass core, HTV silicone rubber housing.


Forged steel or ductile cast iron (hot dip galvanized) and compressed directly to the rod by pressure controlled multiple step circumferential compression method.


we uses ECR fiberglass which produced from the highest quality material on all its insulators for its high electrical integrity & high resistance to acid corrosion. It is the component to bear mechanical load and has minimum tension strength at 1000Mpa.

Sheath & Weathersheds

Produced with High Temperature Vulcanized silicone rubber compound which exhibit high, long-term hydrophobicity, high aging resistance, high corona resistance and low permeability to moisture.


Main Types

guy insulator

Two Clevis with Two Roller

guy insulator

Two Clevis with One Roller

guy insulator

Two thimbel-eye

guy insulator

Clevis with Roller, thimbel-eye


Characteristics & Parameters


guy insulator drawing



GUY-20-100CR 12 20 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 3.2
GUY-26-100CR 18 26 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 3.5
GUY-32-100CR 24 32 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 3.7
GUY-44-100CR 35 44 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.0
GUY-50-100CR 42 50 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.3
GUY-62-100CR 54 62 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.5
GUY-68-100CR 60 68 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.8
GUY-86-100CR 76 86 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 5.5
GUY-104-100CR 96 104 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 5.8
GUY-128-100CR 120 128 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 6.0
GUY-152-100CR 144 152 0.91 1.1 0.76 1.38 0.63 0.38 100(21,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 5.2
GUY-20-133CR 12 20 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 3.7
GUY-26-133CR 18 26 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.0
GUY-32-133CR 24 32 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.2
GUY-44-133CR 36 44 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.5
GUY-50-133CR 42 50 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 4.8
GUY-62-133CR 54 62 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 5.0
GUY-68-133CR 60 68 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 5.3
GUY-86-133CR 78 86 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 6.0
GUY-104-133CR 96 104 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 6.3
GUY-128-133CR 120 128 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 6.5
GUY-152-133CR 144 152 1 1.34 0.91 2 0.875 0.34 133(30,000) Clevis-Clevis Roller 5.7